Dolphin Diary
21 July 2012
The onshore started blowing early this morning so it was a bumpy ride. As we were pushing in Dallas saw some of our finned friends surfing back-line, there was however another boat in their vicinity so we went offshore and popped the hydraphone in. We managed to get our first humpback whale recording of the season! Although the whales could not be seen, they certainly could be heard. 

After heading back into the bay in hope of spotting our dolfriends, we eventually found a small group that was pointed out by a fellow seafarer who mentioned that they had been snacking on some bait fish. Although they came straight to our boat for a quick bow ride, they soon disappeared into the depths and were then seen heading offshore. We decided to leave them be and headed up the coastline to search the rest of the area.There was no dolphin activity and just as we were about to give up, Mitch spotted a pod coming inshore. Much excitement followed as we kitted up and slipped in. Surrounded by dolphins who were socializing  amongst themselves. Viz was poor and as the dollies disappeared down below we lost sight of them. Our second attempt found us being surrounded by some 30 dolphins that were relaxed and comfy with having us around. Mindi and Zam were seen in-water and wow, they are both huge and about to pop! The graceful ladies allowed for some wonderful views of their swollen bellies! Big boys Skellitor and  Beever were in the mix as was Fye and Elvis. Lots of direct approached, circle swims and a cacophony of sounds left us all with huge smiles:-) Now thats what swimming with dolphins in Ponta do Ouro is all about! Have a look at the dolphin images! Thanks Dolfriends!
ponta do ouro
Mindi and her swollen belly!


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