Dolphin Diary 060813

Awful, awful visibility this morning!
We located Mumsy, Danny and offspring in the company of some other ladies and adult males. Long dive times meant they were either resting or had found something down below.
The latter unfolded. After observing for a while we entered into the water and found the group to be interested in something down below. White flashes caught my eye and diving down I saw that their attention was being held by a rather large ray and a number of remoras.
Mumsy slowed for some social interaction as I tried to film her swelling tummy. Although visibility was terrible, our finned dolfriends surfaced to breath really close offering everyone a close view of our dolfriends in water.
Our second launch found is in the company of a large nursery pod who were heading south. It was great to see Gawane with her firstborn doing so well. Zoom, Bo, Smily and the rest of the group had now joined up with the first pod and allowed for some great in-water viewing and circle swimming in the green muck! We were also graced with a young juvi that was 'fish tossing' a tobie fish.
Have at more images here:- Facebook/dolphincenter


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